Friday, January 25, 2013

Roy Greenhilt Painted

Some time back I finally got around to painting Roy Greenhilt from Order of the Stick. It was actually a very very simple pain job, since keeping in line with the comic style of things it didn't really take any shading/highlighting.

Instead of using the guide supplied by Moorland Studios I chose to look at a few strips from the comic itself and do the painting based on that. That meant that the arms are black (as pr. the comic) while they were painted blue in the guide to illustrate that Roy is wearing a shirt. It really comes down to personal preference, but I really like to have this painted as close to the comic strip Roy as I can.

so to sum up this monumental task of painting.

  1. Prime with white
  2. Paint in bright pure colors
  3. Job done!

And still excuse the poor pics, I'll post better ones once I get my camera back :)

Sedition Wars Unboxing

A couple of weeks back UPS knocked on my door with a nice box and heavy box containing Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster. So this is just a few pictures from when I opened the box and a few comments here and there.

First of all as before I still haven't gotten my camera back, so pics are of a less than stellar quality, so consider yourself warned.

Anyways, upon opening the box late at night when everyone else was sleeping, I found a game box and an additional box containing the Biohazard contents inside as well as the signed lithograph that appearantly all the CMON kickstarters are doing. All was very nicely packed with lots of foam padding, so that's really a plus.
Top: The game itself, bottom left: Biohazard pack, bottom right: Signed lithograph
The biohazard pack contained a lot of additional minis all packed up (they still are btw), 2 sets of dice, stat cards for the additional minis and a little vanguard patch. The dice are quite nice with strain and vanguard logos put instead of the number 6 (green is strain dice, blue is vanguard).
Contents of the Biohazard pack: Miniatures, 2 sets of dice, stat cards and a Vanguard badge
The box itself is quite heavy and seems quite sturdy, so I would imagine it should be able to withstand a bit of use. The front contains the picture that we've seen countless times in relation to the kickstarter and the back pictures of the components in the box (which came in quite handy during assembly).

The box itself
The back of the box
All laid out on the table these are the components, 5 bags of miniatures, dice, nanospore cloud conters, infections markers, 2 sheets of tokens and 5 double sided game boards and a load of stat cards.
All the contents laid out: 2 sheets of counters, 5 board tiles, 5 packs of minis, 1 pack of tokens for infection etc, 1 pack of nanospore markers and a rulebook
Concerning the game boards there has been quite a few posts around the internet that the boards are delaminating and warping. Perhaps I was just lucky but I've observed none of this. The only thing I can really point my finger at, at this point, is that some of the tokens are printed a bit off-center, but nothing that isn't acceptable I'd say.

Although I have no pictures to show for it, I've started to assemble the minis. They are a decent quality I'd say and full of detail, so they really deserve to be painted at some point in the future (and considering my hobby time, paint speed, and the pile of lead/plastic I have lying around, then that's probably within a few years).

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Open Fire Germans Assembly

Well time for another update. Due to a busy schedule hobby time has been reduced significantly for the last months, however a few things have been happening.

In this post I'll quickly show the product from last week, the germans from the Flames of War Open Fire box set. I'll only focus on the germans since The Black Knight (co-author of this blog) took the allied troops of my hands (perhaps he'll post some pics of those later)

Anyways the german side consists of :
3 Stug III G,
2 PaK40
Grenadiers (10 stands)
Panzershrek (1 stand)
Commands (4 stands in total)
1 V1 Flying Bomb
Cardboard tokens and objective markers

Everything comes nicely packed and with easy to follow assembly instructions. I guess in total it took about 1½ hour to assemble everything while watching a bit of TV on the side.

Forgive the poor picture quality, but I forgot our camera at some family during the holidays and thus I have to resort to the camera of my iPad, which is less than stellar when taking pictures indoors in the evening I think. Closeups will follow once painting starts and I get my camera back :)

Anyways, one thing I really appreciated was that the there is a very clear and concise guide to which models goes on which bases for the grenadiers. For someone quite new to FoW and unknowing of the weaponry of WWII this is actually a huge benefit, that I can actually assemble the rifle/MG teams so they are correctly based.

There's been some discussion of that the allied tanks didn't really fit well together, this has not been the case for the Stugs where the parts fitted very nicely and only slight trimming of sprue remains was necessary. So I guess all in all I think the set is really nice and provides a good amount of troops considering the price.